Tuesday, July 08, 2003

This goes out to all the blokes out there who are 26 and are still single.

I sit with my computer on 24/7 waiting for the e-mail from the one person who has seen my profile on a personals site and decide that i might be the one.

Instead of going out and actually finding the one from the general public without the use of a computer.

But this is where it really gets complicated, what happens when your self-estem is next to nothing?

You may see lot of really attractive women and even have some as friends/workmates but when you think about asking them out, your brain just goes into mental breakdown.

You just think how stupid your gonna feel if you blurt your love out to that person and they turn you down.

At least with a personal ad your blank until you meet in person.

But what do you do until that day comes?

At the minute i just feel that my body is trying to 'cash cheques' that my mind cannot 'cash'. My body wants all that is involved in a relationship but my mind just can't handle that.

But to make this even more fun for you reader out there, my mind does want to feel close to someone. Not sexually but just the closeness that comes with being involved with someone.

This is the Web Site for my great friend Richard.

If you are in the Brighton area of the U.K. and need a photographer, give this man a try.

And that ends the commercial break.


Monday, July 07, 2003

I find the funniest thing about these blogs is that, as i write this, nobody is reading. Yet i'm writing theses blog entires as if they were being read by everyone. Very strange.
Welcome to my Blog.

What you will see here is my life. I'm just a run of the mill young man of 26.

Here are some of the rules of my Blog.

(1) The spelling and grammer on this site will not be the Queens English. I may have lived my entire life in England but i don't know how to write it well :)

(2) This blog will reflect my life. My life is very ordinary and from time to time not much will happen.

(3) Please feel free to IM me via Yahoo messenger (Tiggerboy0301)

(4) Enjoy reading about my life and I hope your life goes well.

For now. Be seeing ya :)
