Sunday, June 27, 2004

And just to prove how life is, England go and lose on thursday!!!
BTW how long does it take an e-mail entry to appear?? Cause it took a lot longer then i was expecting

Thursday, June 24, 2004


I love and hate in equal measure what England football matches do to me.
On one hand i love the buzz an England win gives me, but the low when they lose or when they are losing during a game, is sometimes too much.
I know that is what being a football supporter is all about but it can be so hard.
Anyway on to Thursday and the quarter finals. A game against the host nation.
We shall see if this time thursday we have a high or a low

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Ok, so i've let this blog go a bit, sorry ok. I will endovour to try and keep it uptodate but don't blame me if your back next year and its still saying this!